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Monday, February 12, 2007

Stem Cell Therapy for Heart Disease and Peripheral Artery Disease - Basic Stem Cell Information

Stem Cell Therapy for Heart Disease and Peripheral Artery Disease - Basic Stem Cell Information:

Embryonic Stem Cells


Because they have the potential to become any cell in the human body, embryonic stem cells are commonly considered to hold the most promise for treating disease and replacing tissue and cells.
Large numbers can be easily grown in the laboratory.


Safety and effectiveness in humans has not yet been determined.
Because they have the potential to become any cell in the human body, they are difficult for scientists to control.
They can grow out-of-control forming tumors.
They can change into unintended types of cells in the body. For example cells intended to become liver cells may become pancreatic cells.
The Patient's immune system rejection of embryonic cells has yet to be overcome.

Ethical Issues

Many people oppose embryonic stem cell research because they believe that once formed, the embryo is a human life that should not be destroyed. This is a very significant political, moral, and religious issue for many.

Adult Stem Cells


Have been safely used in humans for over 30 years.
No danger of immune system rejection with cells from the patient's own body.
Extremely low risk of tumor growth.
Easier to control than embryonic cells.


Present in the body in very small numbers.
More limited in what they can become than fetal or embryonic cells.
More difficult to grow in the laboratory.

Ethical Issues

No significant ethical issues


I'm not sure how long this has been online, but there have been advances made in our understanding of adult stem cells. Regarding the bolded sentence above, it's now known that adult stem cells can become virtually any type of cell in the body.

Watch the video here to learn more about it:

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